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This program will focus on adoption of the following categories of quantum technologies:


Quantum Sensors

The Quantum Sensors mission seeks to enable the Government of Canada and key industries to be developers and early adopters of new quantum sensing technologies


Quantum Communications

The Quantum Communications mission intends to ensure the privacy and cyber-security of Canadians in a quantum-enabled world through a national secure quantum communications network and a post-quantum cryptography initiative. 


Quantum Computers and Software

The Quantum Computers and Software mission aims to make Canada a world leader in the continued development, deployment and use of quantum computing hardware and software to the benefit of Canadian industry, governments and citizens. 

DIGITAL projects focused on the above categories of quantum technologies should be focused on alleviating critical business problems with pilot solutions and engaging target adopter customers within the following commercial applications:

Safety & Security

From hospitals to banks to government services, critical service providers are highly incentivized to engage in the development of hardened networks, algorithms and processes to improve security, safety and privacy protection.

Operations & Logistics

 (e.g. manufacturing, health, natural resources, transport):

Reducing costs and improving risk management by improving operations in complex environments and making the best data-driven decisions.

Material & Chemical Discovery

(e.g. battery chemistries, critical resources, life sciences)

Computer aided discovery is highly sought after to replace the inefficient trial-and-error processes used to research and develop the molecular formulations needed for better performing electric vehicles and to treat diseases.

Intake Form

“Canada’s Global Innovation Clusters are driving innovation in our country and across all our industries. Our government is proud to support cutting-edge projects that will drive the commercialization of quantum technologies, shape the future and support a resilient economy, giving our country a competitive edge for decades to come. I look forward to seeing this partnership between the two global innovation hubs, along with their projects, come to fruition as we build a thriving quantum sector.”

download (14)

The Honourable François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of ISED

“DIGITAL is advancing human health, improving environmental health and building a more inclusive and prosperous Canada through the development and deployment of digital technologies. We are excited to partner with NGen and leverage the expertise and experience of our two organizations to maximize economic opportunities for Canadian industry and real benefits to Canadians.”



“At NGen, we believe that the digital transformation in advanced manufacturing will enrich the lives of Canadians with better products, good jobs and economic growth. Quantum will not only offer exponential computing power to drive smart and safe products and processes, but it will also lead the way to a new generation of materials, sensors, and microelectronics that will revolutionize many sectors of industry. Canada is ahead of the curve. NGen is committed to keeping us there."


Jayson Myers, CEO, NGen Canada

“This partnership between NGen and DIGITAL to launch $30 million in new quantum projects is an important step towards the implementation of Canada's National Quantum Strategy. Canada has long been a leader in developing cutting edge technologies, and this initiative is key to reinforcing that leadership with commercial products, services and technologies. Through projects such as these, Canada can obtain competitive and national security advantages with lasting impacts for generations to come.”


Dr. Stephanie Simmons, Co-chair of the Advisory Board for Canada's National Quantum Strategy



Program Guide


Program Guide


How much funding is available?

DIGITAL and NGen aim to invest a total of $14 million from the Commercialization Pillar of the National Quantum Strategy, alongside industry, that will result in more than $30 million of new investment in the commercialization and adoption of innovative quantum technology solution in Canada and international markets.

How does the funding work?

DIGITAL/NGen will provide non-repayable, non-dilutive funding up to 40% of total eligible project costs that are incurred and paid by eligible members. The maximum amount of funds that will be provided for a specific project will be determined when the project is selected for investment. Admin and/or membership fees are paid separately.

What kinds of projects will be funded?

The highest impact projects will be selected from a pipeline of project opportunities focused on new quantum-enabled products and services across three technology domains:
  • Quantum Sensing: quantum photonics and transducers, chip-based quantum systems
  • Quantum Networking: quantum communications, quantum key distribution, quantum internet, advanced electronics and photonics
  • Quantum Computing: quantum software, cryptography, algorithms, information processing, and hybrid-applications, quantum hardware and middleware

In addition, proposed projects must be incremental to the regular business undertakings of any of the individual participating organizations. In the application, project partners need to confirm:

  • the project Is not already approved or in progress;
  • financial commitments are distinct from investments that would have otherwise occurred; and
  • the project would not be undertaken at the same scope or scale without the participation and funding from their partners and DIGITAL/NGen.

Do I have to have the funds in place to get selected?

Generally, each organization needs to be able to confidently demonstrate that it can support its financial commitments. DIGITAL/NGen will undertake a financial due diligence exercise during the application process.

Can I also get project funding from other government sources?

Yes, within limits. Other government funding that is expected or received by an industry organization for eligible project expenses (except for Scientific & Experimental Development credits) must be disclosed and included in the project budget, financial reporting and/or related claim submissions. DIGITAL/NGen reserves the right to adjust its co-investment rate, the amount eligible for co-investment and/or maximum co-investment funds from DIGITAL to meet ISED’s industry investment matching requirements.

Who owns the IP?

DIGITAL/NGen takes no interest in or rights to any Foreground IP arising from the project or the Background IP of any project participant but has an interest in ensuring adherence to the IP principles and requirements as laid out in the respective Program Guide.  As part of the application process, participating organizations are required to negotiate and outline the ownership and access rights to any new IP expected to be generated as part of the proposed project, as well as any pre-existing IP, third-party or open-source IP that will be used during and/or after the project.

What are my chances of success?

Funds are limited and it is a competitive process. Teams are encouraged to prepare their best applications recognizing the effort required and balancing time and quality. DIGITAL/NGen retains the right to close application intake at any time once funds are anticipated to be fully committed.

Who decides if my project will be selected?

Complete and eligible project proposals will be evaluated by the respective DIGITAL/NGen independent Project Selection Committee (PSC) and evaluated against criteria as outlined in their Program Guides.  Final investment decisions are made by DIGITAL/NGen based on parameters set out by ISED and their respective Board of Directors

Submit your project by completing DIGITAL's  intake form below.


Applicants will hear from DIGITAL representatives following the review of your project submission.

Intake Form